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Kayelene Kerr Protective Behaviours

eSafeKids founder Kayelene Kerr is available to deliver to corporate audiences.


Kayelene has presented to international audiences and has delivered keynote addresses and workshops at Education, Child Protection, Health, Law Enforcement, Community Services and Cyber Security conferences.


corporate TOPICS

eSafeKids Protective Behaviours Perth Western Australia

Protective Behaviours & Body Safety

eSafeKids Cyber Safety Perth Western Australia

Cyber Safety & Digital Wellness

eSafeKids Pornography Education Perth Western Australia

Talking About Children & Pornography

eSafeKids is based in Perth, Western Australia. We service the Perth metropolitan area, regional Western Australia, national and international audiences. 

eSafeKids is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider

Online Safety Perth


Digital Wellness

"I found it really informative, and I really liked that the content was presented in a helpful way and gave examples of how we could apply it in our families. I also really liked that that it wasn’t presented in a black and white, lecturing style. I have viewed similar style webinars in the past and have often felt like the presenter was just telling me off as a parents, telling me to ‘just do better’ and not really in touch with the number of balls being juggled as a parent today. Managing kids and digital wellness often comes with very grey areas, and I feel like Kayelene captured these well. Instead of feeling like my parenting was judged for an hour, I have come away congratulating myself (and my partner) on the good things we have implemented and some ways we can improve”

Rio Tinto Mining Company 2022

(Australia, Japan, Mongolia, Singapore, Kazakhstan, USA, Canada and New Zealand)

We’ve proudly presented at
the following organisations

Rio Tinto Mining Company  
Australian Medical Association WA   
Western Power
WA Water Corporation  

HBF Health
ABN Group

WA Family Law Pathways 
University of Western Australia

Edith Cowan University 
Curtin University
University of Melbourne  

Australian Catholic Safeguarding

Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia

Ishar Multicultural Women's Health Centre
Western Australia Chapter United Sikhs
Women's Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services

Department of Communities
Department of Education   
Department of Health
German European School - Singapore

Catholic Archdiocese of Perth
Office of Cassie Rowe MLA

Office of David Scaife MLA   

WA Police

The Fathering Project

Daniel Morcombe Foundation  

Anglicare WA

Scouts WA

Commissioner for Children and Young People - WA

Malaysia Asia Pacific Cyber Security Conference – Borneo

ARCH Sexual Violence Support Service - England
Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia

Protective Behaviours Books

eSafeKids provides books and resources to teach children about social and emotional intelligence, respectful relationships, diversity, resilience, empathy, gender equality, consent, body safety, protective behaviours, cyber safety, digital wellness, media literacy, puberty, pornography and so much more!


eSafeKids would be delighted to speak with your student, parent, educator or professional community. For more information about our services please visit our Services page. We look forward to connecting with you.

eSafeKids Cyber Safety Perth

Commitment to Child Safety​​

Protecting children from harm is a shared responsibility. We can all play a role in the care, safety and protection of children. eSafeKids is committed to the health, wellbeing and safety of all children and young people. Our commitment to creating a culture of child safety is reflected in all aspects of our organisation. 

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