TaLKING ABOUT Pornography
The Internet and more recently portable electronic devices, has transformed the way pornography is accessed and how pornography accesses children and young people. Whilst pornography is not new, the nature and accessibility of pornography had changed considerably. In the absence of adequate education in the home, school and wider community, pornography is the primary and in many cases the only education children and young people receive about relationships and sexuality.

It's not a matter of 'if' children will see pornography but 'when', and the when is getting younger.
Overview of pornography and sexualised media in the digital age.
Children's access and exposure to pornography in the digital age.
The effect of pornography on the developing body, brain and behaviour.
Pornography's portrays of sexual aggression, violence, sexism, racism, objectification, risky and unsafe sexual practices.
Pornography's influence on developing attitudes, expectations and behaviours.
Overview of how pornography is shaping relationships and sexuality
Pornography's relationship to child on child sexual abuse and children displaying harmful sexual behaviours.
Gender based violence.
Foundational, Integrated and Specific learning approaches to address pornography influence in homes, schools and communities.
Education to support children and young people.
Social & Gender Norms & Stereotypes
Growth, Development, Reproduction, Health & Hygiene
Critical Media Literacy
Social Media & Sexualised Media
Respectful Relationships, Inclusivity & Diversity.
Body Autonomy, Body Boundaries, Consent & Respect
Body Safety
Child friendly books, resources & conversation starters.
Creating safe & supportive space for conversation, education and help seeking.
Resources to support parents/caregivers.
Resources to support curriculum delivery.
eSafeKids provides Reducing The Harm: Talking About Pornography workshops throughout metropolitan and regional Australia and internationally. These workshops can be delivered face-to-face at your location or online as a webinar. All workshops are delivered by eSafeKids Founder, Kayelene Kerr. Kayelene has a warm and humorous presentation style that translates research into easy-to-understand information, enriched by practical examples and strategies.
Parent / Carer - Primary School
Talking About Children and Pornography
Children are growing up in a world where it’s impossible to avoid sexualised media and pornography. Whilst pornography is not new, the nature and accessibility of pornography has changed considerably. Children with access to the Internet on any device - at home, at a friend’s place, at school or in any of our community spaces are at risk of exposure. It's never too early to begin proactive and protective conversation and education.
This parent/carer workshop has been developed to support parents/carers talk, in age and developmentally appropriate ways, with their child about pornography (private photos and videos). You will leave this workshop with research and evidence-based up-to-date information, conversation starters, practical strategies and resource recommendations.
Parent / Carer - Secondary School
Talking About Young People and Pornography
Whilst pornography is not new, the nature and accessibility of pornography has changed considerably. A significant portion of pornography that young people view, accidentally or intentionally, contains violent themes and behaviours. Research has found high levels of aggression in the most popular pornography videos. Studies also suggest frequent viewing of pornography may; reinforce harmful gender stereotypes, contribute to young people forming unhealthy and sexist views of women and sex, contribute to condoning violence against women, sexually coercive behaviours by young men, normalisation of violence and potentially drive sexual violence. There may also be broader social impacts in relation to body image, mental health, reduced academic performance and erectile dysfunction.
You will leave this workshop with research and evidence-based up-to-date information, conversation starters, practical strategies and resource recommendations.
1 in 4 young people first saw porn before the age of 12.
71% of children/young people were not seeking out pornography when they first saw it.
69% saw violence and aggression.
72% saw something non-consensual.
89% thought porn should not be seen by children.
Reducing The Harm: Talking About Pornography
This evidence based professional development workshop develops participants’ understanding of the nature of today’s pornography and its influence on children and young people’s developing attitudes, expectations and behaviours. We will explore how pornography is shaping relationships and sexuality and introduce you to resources available to support you to gain confidence in addressing the harms of pornography.
You will leave this comprehensive workshop with up-to-date information, conversation starters, practical strategies and resource recommendations.

Talking About Pornography
This comprehensive and inclusive workshop explores and develops students’ understanding of the nature of today’s sexualised media and pornography and its influence on their developing attitudes, expectations and behaviours. We encourage students to think critically about how pornography may influence relationships; sexuality; body image; violence; respectful relationships; consent; harmful sexual behaviours; problematic/compulsive viewing; health, wellbeing and safety.
Critical media literacy is woven throughout this session.
(Suitable for Year 9 - Year 12 students) eSafeKids recommends 90 minutes for this session
Educate, equip and empower children with knowledge through stories!
Reading with children provides an opportunity to teach vital life skills in a child friendly, fun, age and stage appropriate way. Reading books that are meaningful can have a lasting impact. Selecting books with teachable moments and content can assist you to discuss a wide range of topics, particularly those that are sometimes tricky and sensitive.