esafekids TestimonialS
"Protecting children from harm is a shared responsibility. We can all play a role in the care, safety and protection of children."
- Kayelene Kerr eSafeKids Founder-

Kayelene Kerr
Dip(PublicSaf), AdvDip(PublicSaf), BA(Just)
Child Safety Advocate and Trainer
Cyber Safety, Digital Wellness & Pornography Education Specialist
eSafeKids was founded by Kayelene Kerr. Kayelene is recognised as one of Australia’s most experienced specialist providers of Protective Behaviours, Body Safety, Cyber Safety, Digital Wellness and Pornography education workshops. Kayelene has featured on Australian and international television broadcasts, radio programs and in print media. Learn more here.
Below you can see what people who've attended our sessions have to say.
clients we have worked with
Educate, equip and empower children with knowledge through stories!
Reading with children provides an opportunity to teach vital life skills in a child friendly, fun, age and stage appropriate way. Reading books that are meaningful can have a lasting impact. Selecting books with teachable moments and content can assist you to discuss a wide range of topics, particularly those that are sometimes tricky and sensitive.